This last Sunday at Rhapsody Church Pastor Brandon preached on heaven as inspiration, incentive, and a reward for the pain we go through today. While preaching he read Revelation chapters 21 and 22; when he passed through 21:2 it rocked me a little. The Holy Spirit started giving me word pictures. The verse goes as such "I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of Heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband." All I could think about is the bride of Christ! The bride is the church... God's people... us. I remember my wedding day and how relaxing it was all morning and even that day. I didn't have to worry about a thing, just showing up for my bride (a beautiful one at that). However, my wife recalls a different experience that day. Her day was a mess of crazy! Running here and there, making it to appointments, getting the dress on right, the hair, nails, make-up; it had to be just right. She wanted to be beautiful for her future husband. The bride has got tremendous pressure on her to be right. The groom just has to show up. Christ is coming for His bride, He will show up. However will he find a bride that tried to make every appointment? One that gave it her all? One that is spotless and without stain? Untarnished and beautiful? A pure bride is what He seeks, and all I could think of on Sunday was how WORTHY WORTHY WORTHY He is! Are you beautiful?
I wasn't until I met Him.
Check out the sermon on the web