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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

He guides me along right paths

I was reading Psalm 23 and I came across verse 3 and it says "He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name." This got me thinking, so many times we ask the question, "what should I do here?" We run into a fork in the road so often in our lives. It happens monthly, weekly, even daily when we ask ourselves "What should I do here?". Our lives are made up of millions of decisions that guide our path in life. They are the banks along the river we are; bouncing us around back and forth. The trouble is knowing which choice is right. How do we see the big picture in all of our crazy life circumstances?
We weigh out our needs, wants, preference, family, friends, benefits, and a tons of other variables. The bottom line is that our will is the tree and God's will is the forest and if we don't allow God to guide us then we will never see the big picture... God's will. He wants great things for us, not to settle for good or okay. He has great things for us and by resting in Jesus we find as David found in the Psalms that "He guides us along right paths, bringing honor to his name." Wisdom from above is first peaceable so we get to walk in the decision with peace and joy, feeling as if God were smiling upon the direction we went.
What a good God we serve.
Pastor Ben
Ground Zero Youth