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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Devos for Dec. 14th its a good one

Well, I hope this blog has been an encouragement to you; we simply want to promote daily reading of the word and seeking God. Chad Veach, a  Pastor in Puyallup WA. recently said, the goal in youth ministry is to teach Jesus and to have them read their word daily. That is the idea; to know Jesus and make him known to everyone else. To accomplish that, we must be in our word.
Hebrews chapter 13, Jude
Take Away Verses – Heb. 13:1,2 Heb. 13:5 Heb. 13:8
Hebrews 13:1-2 “Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” Have you ever had one of those days where you just want to punch someone… just because? It’s those days you just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, and nobody better cross you! I think everyone has had a day like that, however, this passage is a call to live above that. This one really is how Christ lived his life. Loving absolute strangers, people who he culturally shouldn’t have even talked to no less love and bless. If we show love to everyone; just live a life of love, (like Jesus did) then we might unknowingly be entertaining angels. What a cool thought! Unless it was your unlove day where you were mean to everyone. Everything we do while trying to be a good Christian and add to the kingdom will be wasted if it isn’t done with love, it will be a whole bunch of noise.
Jude verse 3 says to contend for the faith that was given to us by God. There is a lot in this little verse; one idea is that we need to contend for our faith. We live in a society that tells us to lose your faith, and be open to other possibilities. I had a class in high school that was called “tolerance in America”, it was a class that tried telling us to be okay with the idea that diversity in beliefs is a good thing. Well excuse me if I know that there is ONE TRUTH in life worth living and dying for. This is what contending for your faith is; it’s living for your God and living it loud. Contend for a life like Jesus lived; walk in the supernatural, pray without ceasing, stand for the truth and not bow to the voices who say you shouldn’t be something great! The second thing in this verse is that God gave us our faith and the bible says he will give you more if you ask. We have possibly all felt like we can’t hear God, or that we are far from him and want to give it up. Well it’s a sigh of relief when I read this verse because it says God gives us the faith. I know I can’t whip up enough on my own; sometimes we just gotta lean back on Him and say “Lord, I need some help today”. God gives us the faith and we have to contend against this world and Satan to keep it and to grow it.
Lord, you are so good, I ask for a faith to sustain my spiritual growth along with those around me in my sphere of influence. We are to love people as you did, which is a tall order yet one I want a heart for, so that your kingdom can grow like you intended.  Lord you have given so much to us yet you say we can still lift our prayers to you and you answer them. I love you Lord, and continue to grow a bigger faith in your people. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
Other notes
Don’t forget, youth church at 7pm this Wednesday, also a Christmas party this Saturday, bring a friend.
Pastor Ben


  1. When I read this scripture it reminds me of everyone telling me after I was baptised I would have Satin on my shoulder...
    By these strangers does that mean spread gods word, or simply just make a friend?
    But everyone has bad days, so is it bad to not reach out when you pass someone who really does need it?

  2. Hi Katie. On the first question, the answer is yes. Yes to spreading the word and also to make a freind. Big picture it's to show God's love to everyone. So the answer katie is yes :)
    On question two; everyone has bad days, that is true but we gotta remember what is more important in life, our life issues or Gods plan? Now God isn't gonna drop the hammer on us but, I don't want to have to answer for missing an oppertunity to lead someone to Christ. Hope that helps, let me know if you got more questions
