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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Devos for Jan. 18th

 Gen. Ch. 45; Luke 18:15-43
Luke 18:15-17 talks about coming to Jesus like a child for those are the ones who will enter the kingdom. This passage is short but shows us a glimpse into the theology of eternity. Entering the kingdom is speaking about eternity (heaven), It simply says you gotta come to Jesus and you gotta do it in a way that is like a child. We all know that Jesus is the gate to eternal life; however Jesus goes as far as to tell us the manner in which we should. What characteristics of a child should we have that are so vital to our salvation? Two of them jump out at me and I believe they are no selfish motives and humbleness. The sinful world is saturated with worldly pride, which is what the humbleness of a child keeps us from. Our pride and selfishness for the things of this world want nothing to do with the holy God of the Bible. It is man's love for sin that keeps us from coming to the Savior. Yet a child comes to Jesus with no reserve or ties to the world and the things in it.
Lord you are high and lifted up, mighty to be praised. Be the center of who I am so I will not stray away from you. May you keep me from having ties to worldly things that would keep me from you. Help me to have the faith and humbleness of a child so I may see you. I love you, in Jesus name I pray, amen.

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