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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Devos for Feb. 10th (By Pastor Ryan)

"Therefore since we are God's offspring we should not think that the diving being is like gold or silver or stone - an image made by man's skill."
Acts 17:29

In times past, men worshipped gods they built from materials. While today we may look at the idea of worshipping something we built as lunacy, in truth, we see it all the time. Rather than building our gods from silver, marble, or gold, we prefer gods that we build inside of our heads.

Some worship gods like money or power and spend their lives avoiding their own internal hell of having neither. Inside of our heads we make plans to reach these gods and we consider how happy we will be when these gods are with us. Have you ever said the phrase - "I will be so happy when ..."?
That phrase is an idol identifier. When I have money, or sex, or control over my life that my parents can't take back - then I'll be happy. Because the life that follows inevitably is built around reaching that goal.

Idols aren't necessarily evil things as much as they are things that our hearts choose to place on higher priority than Jesus. The one we love most is truly our god. The one we serve and arrange our life towards reaching - that is our god.

How do we avoid idolatry? The answer isn't necessarily swear off things that can become idols. For some idols can be food, fun, clothing, or other things that are actually good and God made to be good. If you want to flee from idolatry the real answer is to get more Jesus. Spend more time with Him. Know him more. Read your Bible. Pray. Listen to Him. When Jesus is number one in your life the rest of your interests land in the appropriate place - below him.

Father, have all of me. Every last bit. Be first in my life and first in the lives of those reading. I ask for your help, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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