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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Devos for March 3rd (By Pastor Ben)

Mark 10:17-22

In this passage a young rich guy approaches Jesus and say’s “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” He sights that he has followed the commandments and then Jesus asks him to give up all he had (which was a lot; it said he had great possessions…an ipad maybe?) and to come follow Him. The rich young guy declined and left. The rich guy lived his whole life being a believer and someone who followed the commandments but when face to face with the very Son of God he found out that his faith was no more than an empty belief system. Jesus challenged him to let go of all his possessions and follow after the Christ. Isn’t that what we are doing any way? Maybe we get a clue into true Christianity here when after the rich guy says he followed the rules then Jesus said now follow me!
            Rules and general moralities are not going to cut it! You can be the greatest humanitarian ever and it won’t matter if your not willing to follow the one person that does. Following Jesus is true Christianity. We ought to have faith enough to lay aside our possessions, relationships, time, hobbies, and everything else, to follow Jesus, nothing should be un-sellable. He asks and even invites us to come follow Him; he came just for you. The question Jesus is asking us is, will you “go sell all that you have…and come, follow me.”

Jesus, make everything in my life sellable so that I can follow you with everything that I am. Help me to make you first always.

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