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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Devos Saturday edition (By Pastor Brandon)

Thanks for nothin’!

2 Corinthians 2:14

Paul said, “Now thanks be to God who ALWAYS leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place” (Emphasis mine)

What do you think about when you think of victory? Winning? Fun times? Bragging rights? The Packers winning the Super Bowl? Generally the thought of triumph and victory brings good thoughts, good times, and good feelings.

Did you know that Paul was thrown in jail, beaten with rods multiple times, once beaten so bad that they hauled him outside the city and left him for dead, falsely accused over and over, ship wrecked and had to float out at sea for a whole day, bitten by an incredibly poisonous snake and had some of his closest friends turn on him, and much more. Now, I’m not the smartest pastor in the world, but I know enough to know that this does NOT sound like triumph. It certainly is not ALWAYS being led in triumph!

So, we can only conclude one of three things… either…

  1. Paul was crazy, out of his mind and didn’t know what he was saying.
  2. He is a liar
  3. Or… he had something else in mind when considering what triumph in Christ really means.

I choose to believe number 3. Paul did not go down in history as a crazy man. In fact, he was highly intelligent, well educated and well respected as a scholar. Further, had he been a liar his writings would have been exposed a long while before being put in the bible. So, we’re left with one explanation- triumph in Christ meant something different to Paul than what we normally think of when we think if victory and triumph.

The question really is triumph for who and for what? Me and my life? Me and my plans? Me and my family? For Paul the answer to this question was for Jesus and His Kingdom. You see, Paul shook the poisonous snake off his hand and turned it in to a testimony to tell others about Jesus. Triumph. The Philippian jailer who was guarding Paul in prison wound up getting saved because of Paul’s testimony. Triumph. The scars and marks from the beatings he took became an encouragement to other Christians facing persecution to hang in. Triumph.

No matter what we face, as long as we know for Who and for What (Jesus and His Kingdom), Jesus will ALWAYS lead us in triumph.

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