Daily read - Romans chapters 3, 4
Take away verses (Verses that jumped at me) - Romans 3:3, Romans 3:23-25, Romans 4:7
Romans 3:1-20 has a header that says “God’s righteousness upheld”, from verse 1-20 Paul talks about how no matter who we are or what we do, we can’t change God’s righteousness. I get caught up in thinking that because I am not always faithful, that I am causing God to think differently of me, or that He’s going to treat me differently because of my unfaithfulness. We can’t change God’s love or His righteousness. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, so to believe that my actions of disobedience has caused Him to be unfaithful or unloving to me is CRAZY! Romans 3:3-4 say’s just because I’m a liar and unfaithful doesn’t mean that God must be to. To seal that idea, WE DON’T CHANGE GOD, HE CHANGES US!
Romans 3:23-25
This portion of scripture is famous because it is foundational to our beliefs as Christians. Even as I accepted Christ into my heart I prayed it. Its message is simple, yet jumbled by the enemy in our full understanding. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus”. I love this passage because of the foundational truth it lets us in on. It say’s “yep Ben, you are a sinner that messes up… a lot. BUT, there is hope, and it’s been given as a gift, (which means it’s free!) Grace" . We are made right by grace and we receive this gift when we accept Christ Jesus as our savior. So through our relationship with Jesus, we receive this pass that says we are sinners but it’s okay because Jesus has got it covered. I think we allow the enemy to jumble it because it’s easy to see how bad we are sometimes. Satan says you are not good enough, and then we believe him. But really that’s the point isn’t it? We aren’t good enough! But Jesus has it covered.
We see in Romans chapter 4 that this idea even extended back into the Old Testament, Abrahams faith in God made him justified. Justified by our faith is how God operates, even when Jesus says He came so that whoever might believe in Him might have eternal life (john 3:16).
Pray, Pray, Pray! The foundation of everything we do will be built on prayer. If you want to see God’s promises be fulfilled, we gotta pray through them. When we are in our daily read and we come across those awesome God thoughts for us, we have to grab on to them and pray. Seal todays devos with that prayer.
Jump on the blog whenever, we do our daily devos every Tuesday and Thursday on here. Ground Zero youth meets every Wednesday night at 7pm and you are welcome to come.
Pastor Ben & Jenny