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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Devos for Nov. 18th

Hey everyone, I will possibly be playing around with the format a little over the next few entries untill I find one that fits well.

Daily Sripture
 Psamls 124; 2Cor. 12,13

psalm 124 
David (the author of this psalm) says that if God wasn't on our side then we would have been and could be swallowed up by our enemies. Also the flood and waters would overwhelm our very lives. When David begins writting this psaml it's from a joyfull perspective, he's saying "What if the Lord had not been on our side" lifting up the fact that He is on our side! I love in verse 5 when the phrase "raging waters" is used, it reminds me of when Jesus was on the raging sea and calmed the storm when it seemed like death was upon the disciples. In the same way we see Jesus calm the waters in our lives, we see because of our God the raging waters will not engulf us, but He sets us on dry land. Praise be to God, right?! He is awesome.

2corinthians 12
Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians speaks about boasting in his weakness only. For when we are weak, Christ can be strong. So Paul's saying that we can boast about Christ in us. He's not saying to speak of our shortcomings in a pathetic way like, "woe is me, I can't do anything right" but to be clear that it's not me who should get the glory, but Jesus.   Another passage that jumped out at me was when Paul lists off things he hopes not to find upon his arrival(12:20-21). I would like to think that if Paul was coming over to my awesome house, to visit me, that he wouldn't find these things... lets be honest here, I'm just as messed up as everyone else, so I think Paul might have to work with me too. Now don't get me wrong here, I'm not satisfied with falling short, but I know I'm being transformed still. 
2corinthians 13
There were a lot of good things in this final chapter; however, what I found myself dwelling on was the idea of genuine faith. Paul says we ought to test ourselves. I feel as though we are in a time where lukewarm is not enough and we are hungry for something real! A genuine faith, a faith that can be tested and set to the fire! Being a passionate generation, starting a revival in your schools, work, home, and heart takes a genuine faith. God's seeking a people who are willing to have this faith and I know for me I want it and intend on pressing into Him until I do.

At the end of my journaling I finish with a prayer which I have written in my personal journal. It's something to seal the ideas and promises of God. The yes and amen to Him. I follow the format of S.O.A.P. Scripture. Observations. Applications. Prayer.
I hope you enjoy this new blog to encourage you as we read together in our devotions.
Pastor Ben

1 comment:

  1. WOW! this is really good! (: i am gonna do my devotions later tonite and i will probably get back on the blog again on tuesday! i really liked the psalms one about the raging sea and how he calms the waters in our life and i also like the 2 corinthians 13 one where we need to be on fire for God!! thanks so much for sharing!
