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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Devos 11-25

Matthew 20, 21:1-22

Matt. 20:1-16
In this passage we have the master or owner of a vineyard hiring workers for his vineyard throughout the day; some worked first thing in the morning and then some came at mid-day and others with only an hour left till the end. When the end of the day came, we see the master beginning to pay the denarius (a day’s wages) to the workers. They all got the same pay. The master was generous and gracious on those who began work in the last hour and the first hour workers were mad, thinking they deserved more than those who only worked for 1 hour. The master reminds them that they knew how much they were getting when they started. Jesus used this as an illustration to say that when you become a believer and a worker for the kingdom then you know your prize, heaven, eternal, a life walked with God side by side. The prize is the same for those who accept Christ at age 10 as for those who accept Him at age 90. The same wages, the same love, the same prize in Christ.  So what does this mean for us? It means we can never give up on people! Never, never, never! God’s grace and love extends even till the last minute of a man’s life, even if all they could utter is one sentence, and it was choosing Christ, then they receive the same prize. Just as the thief on the cross who believed Jesus was the Christ, Jesus said the man would be in paradise with him.
Matt. 20:29-34
Just a thought on the two blind men who cried out to Jesus. Jesus asked them “What do you want me to do for you?” They responded by asking for a healing. So Jesus did. We see throughout the bible, people get healed and then go to their old lives. These two got more than their eye sight; they knew who gave it to them. So they followed after Jesus. It’s our job to show people Jesus, then they could also make that choice to follow after Him.
Matt. 21:12-13
In this passage Jesus is cleaning out the temple and flipping tables. The temple was filled with corrupt money-changers and Jesus say’s “My house shall be called a house of prayer”. A house of prayer, this idea makes me think because I always think of our churches as a place of teaching and preaching and building up/ encouraging people so that they can be sent out. BUT if we do not pray, then nothing that we do will be what it could be. God can do everything better than I can, so I should keep Him incorporated in everything I do (PRAYER). You know the army phrase “Be all you can be”, well use that in your life. The only way to do that is to make His house, a house of prayer, make your life a life of prayer because He will make everything you do all it could be.
Seal the thoughts God gives you and reveals to you with a prayer to Him, let Him know you got it and want it.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving! We blog every Tuesday and Thursday, so join us whenever as we look into the word J

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